A Year Away From Life

"Make sure you have that week off," I remember Casey* telling Melissa. "It's always important to take a week to yourself before switching jobs."I was in the backseat of Casey's car as she gave Melissa that advice.  Melissa had just put in her two weeks notice at the childcare center we all were teachers at.  Like many… Continue reading A Year Away From Life

Writer’s Bootcamp, Bonus Day

Sinking Ship: You realize the boat is sinking, but that's not the worst thing that could happen. The worst thing happened last night.We stood there at the bow of the ship, our hands clasped around the railing as the boat careened to the left, the port side slowly sinking under water.  We were surrounded by… Continue reading Writer’s Bootcamp, Bonus Day

We Now Return You to Your Regularly Scheduled Adulting

So this writer's bootcamp is turning more into a writer's reserves -- y'know, one weekend a month, called up when needed.  I can't help but take in the prompts with a bit of a silly attitude; I mean, really?  You want me to write an obituary for a character?  Or talk about a house's past?… Continue reading We Now Return You to Your Regularly Scheduled Adulting

Writer’s Bootcamp, Day Nine

 Obit for Your Favorite Character: Write an obituary for your favorite fictional character (literary, television, etc) including how the death occurred.Lara Croft met her untimely end yesterday afternoon.  Croft was known for her worldwide adventures, her mastery in hand-to-hand combat, and her witty one-liners.Croft died due to complications from a poisonous spear, a rampaging T-Rex,… Continue reading Writer’s Bootcamp, Day Nine