Where Did All The Blogs Go?

Hey everyone!

As you may have noticed, the blog posts stop in 2021. But that is not to say I stopped writing blog posts–simply that I have now been writing exclusively over at my Patreon.

I know writing behind a paywall is frustrating, but this is how I see it: 1) I still create a lot of content for free over at my TikTok, and there are still about 6 years worth of essays to read on this site.

And 2) Anyone who writes can tell you how little money there is in writing. We currently have a writer’s strike going on because poor compensation is just that prevalent. I love what I do, but Chase doesn’t accept good karma for my bills.

(That’s the credit card company, not some random dude.)

My Patreon is a way I can balance what I do with paying the bills, and one way I give thanks to my supporters are my essays–along with behind the scenes footage, extra content, bloopers, trauma-informed yoga videos, and a lot more (depending on the tier).

If you have enjoyed my blog posts, but a Patreon pledge is beyond your threshold, that is perfectly okay. I appreciate that you took the time to read what I had to say. But, if you’re curious what’s behind that velvet curtain, I’ll see you over on my “patronage platform”.

And also, keep an eye out: you might be seeing my newest book in a store near you, hopefully sooner rather than later. But more on that, well, later.

Much love,


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